Our Services

  • ​​ Security Management Consultants.
  • Threat Risk Vulnerability Assessment.
  • Close Protection Program Assessment.
  • Close Protection Training


Our Approach

Protecting People at Risk

​​​​​Computer Sentry Software


We offer end to end security solutions that span both the physical and digital realms. Threats are identified, assessed and managed both on-line and through tailored personal physical security programs.

We understand the digital transformation of security, we helped to shape it. As a result we are uniquely qualified to protect at-risk people, our clients, in a very real way.

With deep roots in both cyber and physical security we continue to build on our early work as developers of ground breaking security solutions that apply disparate digital security technologies to safeguard individuals, information and physical assets. 


​We begin with articulating the "why" of Close Protection to ensure we are on page with our clients from the start. The how and what we do is determined through our collaborative approach.

We ensure a tailored and effective protection solution is delivered wherever it is required within the context of the overarching business goals and objectives of our clients.  ​

We understand how vital expertise and service are to maintaining our relationship as trusted advisers to our clients. 

Discretion, Confidentiality, Trust are essential to our success.